hohoho.im abit free and i wanted to blog so much.just dont
know why lar.so sudden=)haha.
Ehh i went for the dodgeball competition at cinileisure representing
my college.6 of us only la others all just came to support us =)
and we played againts Taylors Hartamas.and we WON =) yeashh!
super duper happy wei.haha and you know what happen ah,nvr you wont
know wan.i tell you all la.i enter the court with my team kan,
so i was the runner to get the ball la.so i took the ball and
suppose to ran back ma,so i ran back and then the other team
started to shoot at us already.okay then i saw the fella throwing
kan,so i threw my ball at him right,and you know kena his
most sensitive part wei,and he fell to the ground with pain,i was
like oh my gosh,i think i threw abit
too power already cause the doodgeball
is very very soft wan.so after he fell he's
out already mah.then suddenly my friend pass
his ball to me for me to shoot,dont know why he dint
want to shoot,so i got the ball the second time and i aim at
another fella and i threw the ball and guess what,kena
the fella's face wei and he took few steps back with pain.
i was like omgosh again?hahah.i was like happy abit cse
we are wining,but im killing people wei =P hahha.and at last we won by 3-0.
Then after that we shake hand,so i was like i'm sorry,i'm sorry.
i felt bad la.My next match is on monday =) same place
and time from 7-10 =) support me kay!!haha.
And i've finally finished with my this weeks exam,though
tomorrow morning got another moral paper=)hohoho.
hope it will be alright.and after that got to rush to
the csm meeting.Boleh lah.Anyway's i want to go and take
some rest then got to study =) see ya guys!! take care! =)
Ah Beng’s Theory on English Spelling.
Aoccdrnig to Ah Beng's theroy on Enlgish, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr
the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and
lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can
sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not
raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
I think all of us can understand what Ah Beng wrote above. So he must be right. So Ah Beng can be quite clever after all. =P
Ah Beng registered for helicopter lessons. After several lessons, the instructor allowed him to take the helicopter up on his own. All of sudden there was a loud crash and Ah Beng barely made it out of the crash. After his recovery, his instructor asked him, “Ah Beng, what happened to the helicopter I was certain you could fly it. Was there engine trouble ?”
Ah Beng replied, “No , the helicopter was fine. But then it became very cold so I switched off the fan lah ”. =)
Ah Beng went to America for a holiday. In America, he fell madly in love with a girl called Mary Jane Hutchinson. It was love at first sight and they decided to get married immediately. So Ah Beng found a Pastor who agreed to marry both of them. While exchanging their marriage vows, the pastor asked , “ Ah Beng, will you take Mary Jane Hutchinson to be your wedded wife ? Ah Beng looked very confused and worried and replied, “Pastor, there must be some mistake, I am only getting married to Mary.
Why so serious?Have a laugh =)
Haha =)
thts all la from me!! take care!!